New Sync Feature – Address Now Available

By Jason | June 9, 2024

In 3 easy steps, CCBChimp enables you to sync all your Pushpay/CCB contacts and groups and saved searches into your Mailchimp audiences, groups, and tags. We always try to implement as much partner feedback as possible to continue serving you as well as we can. That’s why you can now add the highly requested feature…

New Sync Feature – Phone Numbers Now Available

By Jason | March 5, 2024

CCBChimp is a simple and powerful way to sync all your Pushpay/CCB contacts and groups and saved searches into your Mailchimp audiences, groups, and tags in 3 easy steps. We always try to implement as much partner feedback as possible to continue serving you as well as we can. That’s why you can now add…

Edit sync pairs

By Jason | February 6, 2024

Mistakes are inevitable. When we find a mistake, we want to be able to take care of it as quickly and as easily as possible. That’s why CCBChimp has added the Edit sync pairs feature. Previously Before, fixing a mistake required a multi-step process. You needed to turn off the sync pair and then go…

Update your Mailchimp data with Pushpay email unsubs

By Jason | September 28, 2023

When you send out an email in Pushpay (CCB), it ends with their standard footer which includes an ‘unsubscribe’ option. What then happens to your Mailchimp (MC) data? If you are using CCBChimp, we can take care of updating that for you via our new toolkit option: Update the Mailchimp Email Unsubscribed Status from CCB/Pushpay…

Sync your CCB Process Queues

By Jason | September 18, 2023

In addition to our existing feature of syncing your CCB/Pushpay Groups and Saved Searches, we are thrilled to announce that you can now sync your CCB/Pushpay Process queues to Mailchimp. For more information, check out our HelpDesk article.

Manage Logs from Dashboard

By Jason | August 23, 2023

Did you notice that you can now Manage your Logs from your Dashboard? Since Logs are a powerful tool to help you understand what’s happening with your integration, we wanted to give you a way to get to them more easily. For more information about Logs, check out our HelpDesk article.

Auto remove people, group/tag from Mailchimp

By Jason | July 31, 2023

Let’s say you have synced the wrong CCBChimp group or tag to Mailchimp. No problem. You can now automatically remove people and/or the created group or tag name itself from Mailchimp if desired. Check out this section of our helpdesk article: Disabling a sync (specific pairs)

CCBChimp: New design and name in process

By Jason | October 4, 2021

Over the last 5+ years, we have had the privilege of partnering with Church Community Builder™ (CCB) to create a unique and powerful product that allows you to integrate CCB with Mailchimp. We have enjoyed the process, and we have also enjoyed the relationship we have had with CCB to provide this solution.  Due to…

Logs: search feature

By Jason | December 2, 2020

Reduce the time it takes to find log records with the new Search feature. You can search by first name last name both names or email   Find more details here.

New Feature: CCBChimp now integrates with Mailchimp tags

By Jason | November 22, 2020

Mailchimp (MC) recently changed their business model when they went public. One of those changes included the reduction of the resources allowed on the free tier. MC offered a very generous free plan for years. They still do, but they’ve limited the number of “audiences” [previously called “lists”] that you can create. The number of…